The Outreach subteam
We attend and host events to inspire and educate the community about robotics and STEM. Our Outreach subteam also designs special robots for these events.
Engineering Expo
Engineering Expo is an event hosted by the College of Engineering, showcasing various student organizations and engineering companies on the engineering campus. Usually hosted in the later half of the academic year's second semester, we use Expo as a great opportunity to show off our latest work.
Maker Faire Milwaukee
Maker Faire Milwaukee is an annually held event, open to the Milwaukee public. Various exhibitors, known as "makers", are invited to show off their work. Wisconsin Robotics attends and demonstrates our current projects to the public.
Wisconsin Robotics at Maker Faire Milwaukee 2023
Wisconsin Science Festival
Wisconsin Science Festival is an annual event hosted by the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery, seeking to showcase various organizations and their work for the public to see. Wisconsin Robotics has regularly attended, having a booth to allow us to demonstrate our robots to the public.
Robot Block Party
The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, IL hosts a yearly event called the Robot Block Party. Various robotic-based student organizations are invited to attend. Wisconsin Robotics brings our latest competition robot prototype and demonstrates it to the public.
The Community
In addition to our larger events, Wisconsin Robotics regularly hosts events with smaller groups, including girl scouts and K-12 students. We demonstrate our projects while also answering questions about the various fields of STEM, hoping to inspire younger students in the same way many of our members were when they were younger.
Get in touch
Interested in having Wisconsin Robotics at your next event?
Email us! — [email protected]